Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Guy

So I met a new guy. Actually I have known him since last July. I guess I didn't get up enough guts to talk to him till about a month ago. He works with me (well in a different department) but the same shift, which when you work graveyards is a HUGE plus for something new. He is seriously the NICEST guy I have met. He's 31, never been married, doesn't have any kids, owns his own house, is very down to earth and finds me attractive. He also doesn't have hardly any emotional baggage (well at least that he is telling meabout). This scare the holy crap outta me. Im used to guys with problems and well according to some I THRIVE on those with problems. I swear I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop, something HAS to be wrong with him, I like him he can't be this nice.

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