Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Breathe, Cough, Cough, Breathe

I wonder if there are little people in my apartment with a bag of germs that appear when I am sleeping and sprinkle them on me. I went to bed this morning (I work grave yards so I keep a different schedule) feeling fine, well tired from normal everyday things, but fine. No stuffed up nose, no cough, no nothing. I wake up four short hours later with a horrible cough, stuffed up nose, a headache that won't quit, and aches and chills. I want to find who made me sick. I want to make them miserable (basically whine at them till they apologize for making me sick). I had so much I was going to do today. I don't think that is going to happen. I think I'm just gonna pull a blanket over my head and sleep the day away. I want someone to take care of me (see how this could get rather annoying and make people miserable?)

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